
Mom Versus the World

DIY Debt & Divorce

Hey there, I'm DubG, the mom who took on the world and survived to blog about it. My site,, is your go-to for DIY divorce tips, debt-busting strategies, and more. I’ve been through a five-year divorce that felt longer than a Game of Thrones saga, and I came out the other side with a house, alimony, and more debt than I can count. Now, I'm sharing my story to help others navigate the murky waters of pro se divorce and debt management, all while juggling the chaos of single parenting. Expect newsletters packed with first-person escapades, practical advice, and a hefty dose of humor – because if you can’t laugh at your ex, who can you laugh at? Plus, you'll get a sneak peek into my other adventures on Wish I Was Grounded, where I tackle DIY kids stuff, grown-up stuff, pet stuff, and more with the same irreverent charm. Let's face the madness together and make this journey a little less lonely – and a lot more entertaining!

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